Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Chicken Pox

That's right. Llew got spots yesterday afternoon and I got spots last night. Yes, we are 600km apart, but it takes at least 14 days from infection to spots appearing, 14-16 is usual. Yes, that puts us in Singapore. That would be the Monday. We did, however, arrive on Friday in a plane from London with many children. That is likely. Hmmmm. So, we were feeling horrid over the weekend, both with fevers, light headedness, fatigue and pain behind the eyes. Then he said he had a few spots. Then he said he had lots of spots. Then I looked and I had a few spots. He went to the doc and yes, chicken pox. Next day and I now have lots of spots. At least I can work from home and CQU has mid-term break this week, so we are not totally at a loss. It's just annoying!!!!!! And funny that we both had not had them as a child, and now both get them. Funny - yes, you can laugh.

Hope you are all doing much better!!!!


alicepawley said...

Oh no!!!!! So so so sorry - chicken pox are crappy indeed. And you can't even look after each other :-( Wish I could do something for both of you... :-(

Nadia said...

Hope you are feeling better soon!! Robin hasn't had them either--I think he's hoping he can skip them altogether.


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