Thursday, August 2, 2007

Canoe Trip

Before I went to Bloomington, we went for a trip down to Turkey Run state park to go canoeing. We went 11.5 miles down Sugar Creek. You can see the Wabash River running from near our apartment to the end of Sugar Creek.

Heidi and David in one canoe, Robin and Euridice in another, and Llew and I in the third. We went under several bridges and the scenery was great. It was really fine and warm, but not too hot when you put your feet in the water.

There were lots of people in many canoes and there were quite a few dogs too.
There were some fast bits, lots of shallow bits to slide over and a few fallen trees to make life hard. Heidi and David were lucky with their run up a tree, but our encounter with a fallen tree ended up with us overturned in the water. Luckily the camera was in a ziplock bag!

We took a picnic lunch and ate it on the shore. All up we were on the water for 3 hours 45 mins. It was a great day out. Thanks Heidi!

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