Tuesday, December 11, 2007


After all the absolutely freezing weather and snow, it actually spent a few days between about -5C and 2C and it was very, very rainy. This resulted in an absolutely fantastic icing of absolutely everything. It rained, the snow melted a bit, but it was never above freezing for long, so it all froze. Even when it was not raining, it was really foggy, so ice still accumulated on everything. These are the photos of the result and there are some other photos on Alice's blog (The Normals).

(The ghost is plastic but the snow is real and the stalectite from its head is ice!)

This photo was actually from Saturday night before the ice but is of 2 snow angels made by Llew and Holli.


alicepawley said...

Cool photos, particularly the ones of Robin's tree with the lights through the ice! Was this your first experience of freezing rain, or have you had it in Norway? How about Llew?

Andrew Hood said...

nice photos, particularly the ghost
(that would be a stalagmite though)

happy christmas, andrew

Gemma said...

The hanging ones are stalactites as I said.

Andrew Hood said...

ahh, my apologies, i thought by 'from its head' you meant the ones going up and out from its head... which are -mites